WITH the global credit crunch currently squeezing finances, many people are giving up their cars and jumping on to scooters.
We're delighted that so many people are losing a car and taking to two wheels - scooters are infinitely cheaper to buy and run, and so much less impactful on the environment, most will give you 70+ mpg!
You can pick up a decent 2nd hand scooter for around £500. You can obviously pay a lot more especially given you can get 800cc scooters these days, but essentially you are opting for a mode of transport that is going to pay you back in spades, both financially and in smiles per mile!
You will need the right scooter clothing: scooter helmet, scooter gloves and scooter jacket and we've heard of just the place to get these ;-) .......scooter-wear.com
Seriously though, invest in the right kit: stay warm, dry and safe, and pretty cool at the same time. You won't regret it!
Go well!
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